Taking Initiative!

Taking Initiative (23 July 2019)

(A daily devotion from Rev. Dr. J.N. Manokaran)

Taking initiative means to take the first step.  Good leaders always take the first step. God takes initiative that he first loved us. (I John 4:19) Good shepherd leads from the front.  There are several areas or arenas, we must take initiative.  The Book of Ruth provides insights on taking initiative. 

1) Ruth takes initiative:  Though she was from Moabite background, she took spiritual initiative to exercise faith in the God of Naomi – Jehovah.  She fully trusted Him and came to take refuge under the protection of His wings.  (Ruth 2:12) Each person in this world is responsible for his/her spiritual life.  All are morally and spiritually responsible for their decisions.  God will make each one accountable for their decisions, thoughts and actions. 

2) Naomi takes initiative:  Being a widow and mother-in-law of a widow is a hard life.  Such women would be overwhelmed by self-pity, inferiority complex and even martyr complex.  Generally, they lose gist for life and see world from a pessimistic point of reference.  Naomi was somehow different.  Instead of ‘inward looking’ and ‘self-seeking’ she was interested in the welfare and future of her daughter-in-law who was of different language, race (caste) and culture.  She broached the idea of Ruth getting married and integrated into Jewish world. Biblical portrayal of love is sacrificial, unconditional and perpetual.  Loving neighbour as yourself applies to family members, kith, kin, neighbours, relatives, colleagues, companions and friends.

3) Boaz takes initiative:  When Boaz realized God’s will in the matter of redemption for the family of Naomi and Elimelech in the inheritance in the Promised Land, he takes initiative by bringing up the matter at the city gate among the elders.  Thus, the matter was brought a marvellous conclusion that becomes part of redemption history of humanity.  By doing God’s will in our own context we build and extend the Kingdom of God. 

Do I take initiative in my spiritual life, helping others and doing His Will?




About J.N. Manokaran

Preacher, Teacher and Writer. Serving Lord Jesus Christ through Community Bible Study
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