Do not despise the small (28 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

A Virgin Atlantic flight, bound for New York, was canceled moments before takeoff after a passenger noticed several missing screws from the plane’s wing. (India Today 23 January 2024) The A330 aircraft was canceled as it could end up in a plane crash.  Mostly, the small things are considered insignificant things.  The Bible warns against despising which is small. 

A Small beginning: Zerubbabel was beginning to start the building of the temple, which was in ruins for about 20 years.  Israel lived without a temple, and this small beginning was precious.  Compared to the way the temple was constructed by Solomon with abundant building materials and numerous laborers, this was indeed a small work.  But it should neither be ignored nor despised. (Zechariah 4:10)

A Small offering:  Lord Jesus Christ sat near the treasury of the temple.  Perhaps, people queued up to drop the freewill offerings.  There was a widow who came on the row and dropped a few coins in the box.  Lord Jesus Christ commended the offering, which she gave from her poverty, while others just parted with some of their huge riches.  (Luke 21:1-4)

A Small service: Giving a cup of cold water could be a simple and insignificant act of kindness from the world’s perspective.  When it is done to God’s servants, those who serve will get the reward, which is meant for His servants. The servants (apostles, missionaries, evangelists, teachers, pastors, righteous people) are the little ones because they are the target of Satan and the world that hates them without reason. (Mark 9:41; Matthew 10:42) 

A small person: God promised that the least of you will become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation.  (Isaiah 60:22) The Lord Jesus Christ chose simple people to be His disciples who turned the world upside down.  God used a small girl as His instrument to heal Naaman.  A small boy gave his lunch of five barley loaves and two fish, which the Lord used to feed a crowd of five thousand men and others. 

Do I despise small things? 







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Rejoice in the prison? (27 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

Paul from the prison to his dear fellow believers in the city of Philippi to Rejoice Always.  (Philippians 4:4) Is it possible to rejoice in the prison?  Dr. Manoj Jacob is a man of integrity, compassion, and love for the poor and is always inclined to sacrificially, help the have-nots. 

False allegations

In the State of Uttar Pradesh, there is a deliberate move by government authorities to curb the activities of good works the Christians do.  Sadly, they do not have either the spirituality or the ability to serve people and do good.  Hence, they persecute whoever does good.  They alleged that Dr. Manoj was converting people using allurement and arrested him in the Goondas Act with charges including murder attempt. 

Thrown in prison

Dr. Manoj and a few believers were thrown in prison for 45 days.  On the first two days, he saw fights, rage, and anger among hardened criminals.  The believers grouped and prayed to be bold and effective witnesses within the walls of the prison.  The presence of God comforted and encouraged them.

Spiritual hunger

As Dr. Manoj and the team praised and prayed, God began His marvelous work.  They experienced peace and joy beyond their comprehension.  They could see other prisoners in great spiritual darkness.  The prison became a platform for them to sing and preach the gospel.  Throughout the day, they sang, prayed, and preached.  There was an overwhelming joy, that the prison never experienced.  The prisoners and jailors heard the gospel.


The lives of many prisoners were transformed, and the jail officials witnessed this amazing miracle.  They remarked: We should set you free as you are converting people inside the prison.

Emotional prison

When Dr. Manoj shared his experience, he never mentioned or complained about the immense suffering he endured in the unhygienic prison, insect-infested rooms and toilets, stale food with worms…etc.  He refused to be shut inside the emotional prison of fear and anxiety, more dangerous than physical prison.  Instead, joyfully worshipped the Lord.

Do I rejoice in the Lord, do good, and witness in all circumstances?







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Hiding from God? (26 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

‘Hide and Seek’ is a game children play.  One would be the seeker and others are supposed to hide.  Within a timeframe, the seeker should find those who are hiding.  Children enjoy playing this game for hours as indoor as well as outdoor games.  Nevertheless, even adults try to play this game, hiding from God.  God sought people with love, patience, grace, mercy, and a redemptive attitude.  Ultimately, when humanity fails to repent, when the doors of grace are closed, the wrath of God will be revealed. 

Sin:  The First Couple disobeyed God’s commandment, and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree.  Filled with guilt, fear, and shame, they hid themselves in the garden.  As usual, when God came to meet them, they were not seen.  God called out Adam and Eve, confronted them, clothed them with skin garments, denoting the sacrifice of blood, and gave them another lease of life, but outside Eden.  Sin always drives humans from God’s Holy presence.  (Genesis 3)

Call of God:  Saul was chosen to be the King of Israel.  Samuel had anointed him as directed by God.  When the time for the coronation arrived, he was missing.  Being tall in stature would have helped people to easily identify him.  However, he hid himself in the baggage to avoid God’s call. (I Samuel 10:21-22) 

God’s Mission:  Elijah fulfilled God’s mission.  He boldly declared that God had sent him to prove God of Israel as true God to all nations by answering by fire.  The mission was a grand success; however, the opposition was intense.  Elijah’s life was in danger, contemplating suicide, hid in a cave. (I Kings 19:9-18) Jonah tried to hide in the lower deck of the ship, he was recommissioned to go to Nineveh.  (Jonah 1:6-17)

God’s wrath:  Even if sinners, disobedient, and rebels try to flee, they will fail.  God’s judgment will catch up with them: kings, great ones, generals, rich, powerful, and everyone, slave or free would try to hide from God’s judgment.  The unrepentant sinner cannot stand before God when he executes judgment.  (Revelation 6:15-17)

Am I afraid and ashamed or stand as righteous in His presence?







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Traditions To Torments (25 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

Festivals of many religions are expensive, even from ancient times.  It could include the sacrifice of butter, milk, honey, flowers, and even animals.  Some rituals even require human sacrifice.  Sadly, people believed that they could appease God through their offerings.  In religious places and shrines, there are huge donations, even by corrupt people involved in illegal businesses that harm the community.  The Mosaic Law had festivals, celebrations, sacrifices, tithes, offerings, and Sabbath; however, they disconnected the spiritual meaning and made them customs, rituals, and traditions.  

A broken spirit and contrite heart:  Though animal sacrifice had a place in the Old Testament form of worship, nevertheless, the Lord required the heart of men and women.  (Psalms 50) C.H. Spurgeon said:  “If you and I have a broken spirit, all idea of our importance is gone. What is the use of a broken heart? Why, much the same as the use of a broken pot, or a broken jug, or a broken bottle!” A contrite heart is the opposite of a hardened stubborn or rebellious heart. A contrite heart is sensitive to sin, and the work of the Holy Spirit, that results in genuine repentance. 

Love or rituals: Sadly, many people love religious rituals than loving others. (Isaiah 58:1-9) The religious fervor, noisy celebration, abundant sacrifices, and show of religiosity are rejected by the Lord, especially when done without love for God and neighbors. The atrocities increased in the society, and proportionally ritual religiosity also increased. 

Mercy or sacrifice: God desires mercy from people not merely sacrifices laid on the altar.  (Hosea 6:6) Israel brought animal sacrifices, but never gave themselves as a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1) Mercy was forsaken in their day-to-day relationships. Lord Jesus Christ denounced the religious leaders of His day twice, quoting Hosea.  (Matthew 9:13; 12:7) They also missed the love, desire, purpose, love, justice, holiness, and righteousness of God but clung to external rituals. Neither they know the Law nor rightly interpret His Word. (Hosea 4:1) Instead of mercy, frenzy is on display in religious places. 

Is my spiritual life like a torment to the Lord? 







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Interesting Prayer! (24 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

There was a missionary who worked in a remote village.  He had a good relationship with all the villagers.  He used to invite all to the Sunday worship and other events he organized.  There was an aged man who was an alcoholic who did not bother to go the church.  After many years, intending to honor the missionary, he went to the church service.  To make sure, the missionary had noticed him, he went forward after the service to greet him.  He prayed for him knowing his condition as a miserable alcoholic.  “Lord as you changed water into wine, so you change his wine into water and deliver him.”  However, he did not know the first miracle of Lord Jesus, turning water into wine.  (John 2:1-10) 

New miracle: The next day, as usual, he went to the bar and consumed his regular glass of alcohol.  He did not feel any ‘kick’.  He ordered one more, and the same result.  The third time he ordered and drank.  Furious, he shouted to the bar manager, “This is like water, no effect.”  He politely said that for decades they had served him and would not cheat in any way. 

New creation: Then he remembered the prayer done by the missionary regarding water and wine.  He went back to the missionary, expressed his gratitude for deliverance from alcohol, and became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

New method: God draws people to Himself in different ways, that are beyond any imagination.  Though the person did not respond to the invitation for decades, when he went Lord received him.  The missionary became a channel of blessing.  His simple prayer transformed a person.  His labor of love and persistence was rewarded.  The alcoholic experienced God’s power and was delivered.  

New Vision:  All believers should have a new vision, to pursue people who do not respond immediately.  They should pray as led by the Spirit of God.  God, in His Sovereignty, will do mighty and marvelous things in unexpected ways.

Am I an instrument of righteousness in the hands of God?  







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VIP or WIP? (23 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

Self-importance in the selfie culture has become a norm and expectation for others to affirm, acknowledge, and like is a trend in social media.  Each person desires to be treated like a VIP (Very Important Person) or VVIP (Very Very Important Person).  VIPs want to be treated differently from the common people, which will enhance their privilege and prestige. 

WIP:  In contrast to VIP mania, the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ that they are Work In Progress (WIP) in God’s hand.  “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10) God works in the lives of disciples to make them transformation agents of good works.  The good works they do add value to the lives of all people, raise the standard of living of the community and they become a model for the world to imitate and follow. 

Potter:  Prophet Jeremiah writes that God is the potter and He shapes the pot according to his intention, purpose, and usage. (Jeremiah 18:1-10) Similarly, God shapes the life of a believer to be equipped for doing good works. 

Refiner and Purifier: A refiner sits near the furnace, enduring heat but steadfastly looking at the gold or silver.  He first purifies the metal, so that all dross are removed.  Patiently, he then shapes the gold or silver for the purpose that is in his mind.  (Malachi 3:3) So does God allow disciples to go through testing, refining, and purification through the fire of affliction! The genuineness of faith is evidenced.  (I Peter 1:7)

Hope like Job:  God allowed Job to go through intense suffering, not because of his sin, but to prove that he was righteous.  Even the accuser Satan would be shamed. Job reflects on his suffering and says that he will come out like gold. (Job 23:10)

Promise:  There will not be any extraordinary situations or temptations, different from what happens to any person. Amid that also God will create a way for escape. (I Corinthians 10:13)

Am I a VIP or WIP?







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Forgiveness Miracle (22 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

‘The Face of the Faceless,’ is a movie based on the life of Sr. Rani Marai a nun.  She served in the Indore diocese among the tribals, to educate, edify, and empower them.  However, her good works were opposed by the privileged caste people.  Samandar Singh was instigated with hatred that on 25 February 1995 stabbed to death Sister Rani Maria.

Sin has consequences:  After his arrest in connection with the nun’s murder, he was tried and sentenced to prison, where he spent 11 years. During that time, his wife divorced him, and his first son died.

Plot for revenge:  Samandar Singh was plotting to take revenge on the person who instigated him to kill Sr. Rani. 

Surprise visit:   Samandar Singh has a visitor in the prison.  Sister Selmi Paul, sister of Sr. Rani came to visit him.  She hugged him and called him brother. Samandar was shocked, could not believe it, but was profoundly touched by this act of love.  Instead of revenge, and anger, he was given forgiveness and love as gifts.  He repented and gave up plans for revenge. 

Petition for release: A petition for release was signed by Sr. Rani’s family and endorsed by the Bishop of Indore.  When the petition was delayed, a delegation met the governor requesting quick action.  The governor said: “Only you Christians can truly forgive.”  Eventually, Samandar was released.

Acceptance:  Samandar Singh was invited to become part of the family of Sr. Rani and Sr. Selmi. For Samandar Sr. Rani’s family has become his own family. “I regularly visit her tomb,” he said. “For me, it is like a sanctuary of peace and strength.”

Transformation: “In my small way,” Samandar said, “I try to follow her example, helping those who are less fortunate than me, like Tribal Christians and all those who are marginalized.”

Christian spirituality:  Lord Jesus Christ taught and demonstrated love and forgiveness.  No spirituality of any religion in the world could be compared with the Christian faith.  Like a grain of seed, Sr. Maria fell but brought forth multiple seeds.  (John 12:24)

Do I forgive and bless others?







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The Ultimate Personality (21 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

She is a follower of Lord Jesus Christ from a different religious background.  In the social hierarchy, she was from the privileged caste.  When she was 14 years old, her mother died.  As a teenager, she had questions about life that became a life pursuit.  First, she was disillusioned to know the description of the deeds of many gods and goddesses.  She felt it was not absolute moral standards, but instead inconsistent behavior, relativism, or situational ethics. Second, as a seeker, she went to various religious places accompanying her father and was greatly disturbed by the attitude and lifestyle of the religious leaders.  Third, her father who was disciplined and religious had a ritual of meditation and worship in his puja room for an hour.  But when he came out, he was very angry and would express his anger on his children and that terrified her. 

Search for truth:  To her surprise, a classmate who studied with her was distinct, had high values, and was a girl of noble character.  She was generous to gift her a New Testament.  When she read the gospel, the personality of Lord Jesus Christ who was Holy, righteous, loving, gracious, compassionate, humble…etc. attracted her.  Her search led her to know the Lord Jesus Christ as truth and became his follower.

Ultimate Personality: Stanley Jones describes Lord Jesus Christ as the Ultimate Personality.  Lord is perfect, holy, eternal, righteous, and justice.  Any virtue that is considered great in the world is seen in the highest perfect form.  No one could be compared with him. 

God is Holy:  Only in the Bible, God is revealed and taught as holy. Psalmist declares that God is Holy.  (Psalms 99:9) His holiness is entirely and exactly opposite of sin, which God cannot even look upon.  (Habakkuk 1:13) This attribute of God becomes the bedrock of all morality, righteousness, truth, and justice.  Without understanding the holiness of God, it is not possible to understand the ugliness, gravity, and horrific nature of sin. 

Do I know Lord Jesus Christ as the Ultimate Personality?







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Murmuring against God (20 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

The younger generation of Israel was worse than those who perished in the wilderness.  They approached the Promised Land but had to pass through the territory of Edom.  But Edomites refused passage for Israel.  (Numbers 20:14:21) Hence, they had to take a longer route, that is to go further away and turn towards the Promised Land.  The people were discouraged and spoke against God.  God punished them by sending snakes among them.

Against God: The earlier generation murmured against Moses at least eight times.  (Exodus 15:24; 16:2; 17:3; Numbers 12:1; 14:2; 16:3; 16:41; 20:2) Though God knew that they were speaking against him. (Exodus 16:7-8; Numbers 24:27) The younger generation was bold and shameless to speak not only against Moses but also against God. Aaron was dead, and hence he was not a target.

Unbelief:  The older generation failed to enter the Promised Land because of unbelief.  Murmur is the evidence of unbelief.  The younger generation also had the same unbelief, as they were on the verge of entering the Promised Land. 

Worthless food: Like their fathers, the younger generation also despised the provision of God. (Numbers 21:4-5) The Bible states that Manna is the bread of heaven for angels.  (Psalms 78:23-24) They were like Esau, who valued food more than his firstborn rights.  God calls Israel His firstborn. (Exodus 4:21-23) 

Ingratitude: When the Israelites grumbled, it was ingratitude. God had delivered Israel from Egypt with a mighty hand.  Lord judged the nation of Egypt for the ruthless slavery of Israel for four hundred years. Now, they were forgetful of the great works of God, hence, they slipped into the mood of murmuring against God.   

Miraculous sustainment: The delivered slaves were wanderers for forty years.  They could have perished in the wilderness but for the provision and protection of God.  He was the Pillar of Fire and Cloud twenty-four hours of day.  Food was miraculously provided for all forty years.  “Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty years.”  (Deuteronomy 8:4) God clothed them and gave them the stamina to travel for forty years.  

Do I have the habit of murmuring? 







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Rebuke and punishment (19 April 2024)

(Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J. N. Manokaran)

Moses and Aaron who delivered the Israelites from Egyptian tyranny, led them through the wilderness but were not able to take them triumphantly into the Promised Land.  They were rebuked and punished. (Numbers 20:12-13)

Being rash: God-chosen leaders should not be rash.  Was Moses experiencing emotional turmoil after the loss of his elder sister Miriam?

Disobedience:  Simple obedience is expected from the followers of the Lord. When God commanded Moses to speak, he struck or hit the rock not once, but twice.  He was exceeding his brief. 

Taking credit:  Moses and Aaron asked the congregation if they should provide them with water.  Instead of giving glory to God, they tried to steal the glory of God.

Accusing people of God:  Indeed, the Israelites were stiff-necked people.  Yet, Moses did not have the right to call them rebels.  God was still working in their lives to mold them.  

Anger:  God was not angry with Israel, but he misrepresented God.  He showed people as if God was angry.  Moses showed Israel that God was moody and unpredictable like other gods and goddesses. 

Endure till the end:  Moses and Aaron in their last phase of ministry faltered.  The glorious exodus could have ended with a glorious entry into the Promised Land. 

Miracles are not mechanical:  When God performs miracles, does He need to do the same way again?  Moses perhaps assumed that God would perform miracles the same way he did before at Marah.  (Exodus 17:5) Remembering that he just struck the rock.  The historical experience blocks the vision of newer, better, and glorious things. 

Stricter standard:  God judges the teachers and leaders by a stricter standard.  (James 3:1) The error seems to be simple or minor, yet as a lawgiver, there was a greater expectation and greater standard. 

Spiritual error:  The water-providing and life-giving rock was a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ according to Paul.  (I Corinthians 10:4) The Messiah will be struck only once.  (Hebrews 10:10-13)

Punished:  Holy God cannot compromise with sin.  When Moses was punished, God was glorified among the congregation.

Do I stumble like Moses? 







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